Coding My Way Through: A Journey of Starting and Re-Starting


3 min read

Have you ever found yourself so passionate about something, but for some reason, you just couldn't seem to stick to it? That was the case with me and my journey with programming. I first started learning coding in April 2018, right after my 12th board exams. I was fascinated with the idea of turning designs into code and solving problems. But, I soon found myself losing interest and had to leave it, picked it up again in 2020, during the pandemic, but again failed to complete it. Why did I keep falling off track, and how did I finally get back on track? Read on to find out.

I. Early Attempts

In April 2018, after my 12th board exams, I started my programming journey with the language C to build my logic and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for web design. I was able to create static websites and solved some complex algorithms in C. but unfortunately, I had to leave it after three months due to some personal reasons.

However, the passion for programming was always present within me, and I always wanted to get back to it, but procrastination and other interests got in the way. In 2019, I started practicing yoga and traveling frequently, exploring various places and reading books on Himalayan yogis. This opened up my mind and made me appreciate life, but unfortunately coding took a back seat. It was only when the pandemic hit in May 2020 that I found myself drawn back to coding. But, once again, I wasn't able to stick with it for long.

II. The Roadblock: My Realization

It wasn't until I reflected on my experiences that I realized what was holding me back. I didn't have a structured approach to learning and was trying to learn everything at once. I would spend mornings coding in C and evenings coding in JavaScript, without a proper step-by-step plan. This lack of structure and direction was one of the major reasons behind my inability to stick with programming.

III. Finding My Path:

Determined to succeed, I made a plan. I picked full-stack web development as my focus and allocated specific time for each topic. I created YouTube playlists for each topic and slowly but surely made progress. However, after just two weeks, I realized that I needed people around me who were also interested in coding to keep me motivated. This led me to join an offline training course for full-stack web development in my city Dehradun, where I met like-minded individuals and gained hands-on experience through projects. By December, I had completed the course and made significant growth as a web developer.

here is one of my project :

here is one of my project

While I was learning full stack development, I found that I had a love for front-end development, especially for web designs and the beauty of it. So, I chose frontend development as my job domain.

one more, obviously it's not a fb clone 😅:

one more ,abviously it's not a fb clone 😅

IV. Conclusion:

Although I have completed my training program, I know that there is still much more for me to learn. I am committed to continuous learning and improvement, and I am eager to find a job where I can both learn and contribute.

My journey serves as a reminder that we all make mistakes and have setbacks, but it's never too late to restart and find our path. It's important to have a plan and structure, as well as to surround ourselves with supportive people who share similar interests. Remember, you will get there someday, no matter what.

V. Signing Off:

"Never Say Never"

You can check out my portfolio👉

Github👉 onlyAvinash

Thanks for Reading🔥